Jorge Lara

Jill Avilez And Vato Bunny Return

Jorge Lara
Jill Avilez And Vato Bunny Return


This Saturday, September 28 from 11-6pm at the Clark County Amphitheater Jill Avilez is debuting her third issue of Vato Bunny at the Alternate Reality Comics, Las Vegas booth.

Jill Avilez will be there to sign your purchase of the comic and there will be lots of vegan food set ups as well.

VIM Magazine Editor In Chief Jorge Lara got the opportunity to photograph both Jill Avilez and her creation Vato Bunny before the debut of the third comic book issue of the Vato Bunny series.


VIM: We interviewed Vato Bunny about his third comic book in the series, what do you think of Vato Bunny and his next adventure?

JILL AVILEZ: Vato Bunny is just trying to make some tacos and keeps getting caught up in shenanigans. We finally get to meet more of the quirky wildlife in Easter LA and they really do love their tacos.

Jill Avilez and Vato Bunny photo by Jorge Lara

VIM: What comic books inspired you growing up?

JILL AVILEZ: Mostly Archie because they were sold next to the TV Guide in the grocery store. And Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because they sold it at our liquor store. I never went to a comic book shop as a kid but my parents did get me a bunch of Disney art books. On the darker side, I also found Robert Crumb books and Fritz the Cat pretty young too. I just loved cartoons and pretty much learned to draw watching all the animations.

VIM: Any plans for Halloween?

JILL AVILEZ: For me, it’s always Halloween, baby. But I hopefully want to catch a Rocky Horror showing.

Jill Avilez photo by Jorge Lara

For me, it’s always Halloween, baby. But I hopefully want to catch a Rocky Horror showing.
— Jill Avilez, Creator of Vato Bunny

VIM: Any plans to go back to your music origins?

JILL AVILEZ: The music is always within me. Right now, I’m enjoying the silence and meditative sounds of my pens on paper interrupted by the laughter of my own stupid jokes.

VIM: What’s next for you?

JILL AVILEZ: I’m challenging Vato Bunny and his friends on their next adventure in Easter LA.

Jill Avilez photo by Jorge Lara

Jill Avilez photo by Jorge Lara


VIM: What do you think of your creator, Jill Avilez as she releases the third book in your series?

VATO BUNNY: Ay man, dat Hyna is pretty firme pero why she gotta do me like dat? I was cruising in my lowbunrider down da BUNNO1 just trying to go home and make some tacos then she just snatched me up. Now errybody wanna fight over Taco Tuesday. Half da time, I donno what da fluff is going on?! ¡Híjole!

VIM: What can we expect from your third comic book?

VATO BUNNY: Deez cats think they run this street taco turf? Dey just jelly cuz we got dat GOOD LECHUGA.

VIM: What were your influences growing up?

VATO BUNNY: The Streets of Easter LA taught me to be Firme. Ayy… respect to mi padre, Dizzy Bunny. A great Jazz bunny. He taught me to be strong and how to slang a good taco.

The Streets of Easter LA taught me to be Firme. Ayy… respect to mi padre, Dizzy Bunny
— Vato Bunny

VIM: How does a bunny like you plan for Halloween?

VATO BUNNY: ¡Híjole! Have ju seen mi hija? Gothic Bunny? When is it not Halloween when she brings random stray ghosts home all da time?!

VIM: What’s next for you Vato?

VATO BUNNY: I’m… just… trying… to make some tacos.

More Vato Bunny:

First Issue of Vato Bunny