Poets Compete To Represent Las Vegas At The International Women of The World Poetry Slam (Updated)

Poets competed on Tuesday, September 12 at the Classic Jewel to represent The Truth Collective Slam at the International Women of The World Poetry Slam.
Poets were judged by 5 random members of the audience. The evening was hosted by Miss Ayevee, aka Ashley M. Vargas.
The Classic Jewel website states that it "was carefully dreamed up by a team of long time Las Vegas residents in an effort to reclaim historic downtown’s rich history and place it back in the hands of Downtown Las Vegas residents."
The Women of the World Poetry Slam (WOWPS) was introduced in 2008 and only female and female-identified poets are allowed to compete. The first WOWPS was held in Detroit, Michigan and the first WOWPS champion was Andrea Gibson. The next WOWPS will be in Dallas, Texas. (http://www.wowps2018.com)
The Truth Collective monthly Slam & Open-Mic at the Classic Jewel. Sign up at 7:30pm.
Feature of the night Jamal
Winner of the night: Clark County Poet Laureate Vogue Robinson