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TSTMRKT Performs June 9

TSTMRKT will perform it's new "cut-n-paste" theatrical stunt at The 705 Arts Incubator (705 Las Vegas Blvd. N) in a "one night only" situation.  This version of TSTMRKT is completely new and was constructed, written, and performed by Ernest Hemmings and Breon Jenay after several exhaustive US Tours and countless one-off performance trials.  The new show was designed specifically for the Hollywood Fringe Festival, but will be performed the week prior in Las Vegas. Recently I had the opportunity to interview Ernest Hemmings for VIM.



VIM: What makes you laugh?

ERNEST HEMMINGS : Hubris, accidents, and poorly executed crimes.


VIM: What is TSTMRKT all about?

TSTMRKT is about 60 minutes long.


VIM: Are you both ready for the Hollywood Fringe Festival?

ERNEST HEMMINGS: Not ready for Fringe at all...which is why Breon is coming over this morning to rehearse.  My 7-year-old daughter has been stage managing for us and even she is sick of our shit.


VIM: Having seeing TSTMRKT evolve through the years, what do you think has been the key to its creative resurgence?

ERNEST HEMMINGS: Breon is lending a hand in the writing department this time around.  She's been doing this with me long enough that she gets it and I can totally trust her since she's legit funny.


VIM: Any current side projects or things you are passionate about?

ERNEST HEMMINGS: Currently working on a "Heroin" play for a theater back home (Pennsylvania is having a really bad heroin problem and a local theater reached out to me to create a modern play addressing the issue).  Also finishing my "dead mom" play.  I have been tinkering on writing an "all female" cast play and it's nearly finished...this TSTMRKT thing has been taking up a lot of time so as soon as we are in LA I'll probably finish everything else.