Las Vegas Artists Guild Presents Gallery Art Expo Awards Hosted By Brian Paco Alvarez on June 20

The Las Vegas Artists’ Guild presents the Gallery Art Expo Competition Awards at the Galleria Mall on Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 6pm. The evening will feature art, music and refreshments as artists are honored and presented with their awards for their work. Awards will be presented for 1st place ($500); 2nd place ($300) and 3rd place ($200) with 6 Honorable Mentions also being presented.
The award presentation will be hosted by Former City of Las Vegas Arts Commissioner and Las Vegas born entrepreneur Brian Paco Alvarez. With live music provided by Greg Hartline, refreshments by Dolores Meneses, and wine served by Robert Brown.
The Las Vegas Artists Guild is an organization of artists whose primary purpose is to bring talented, established and emerging artists in the Las Vegas Valley to public attention. Local, amateur and professional artists of the Las Vegas Artists Guild reach these goals through meetings, workshops and demonstrations, art shows and networking.
The gallery located at the Galleria Mall in Henderson features original artwork, original glasswork, original pottery & ceramics, original lost wax bronze, original photography, and custom jewelry,
The Guild meets on the 2nd Monday of each month (depending on holidays) from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Information regarding meetings, membership, and current activities can be obtained online at, or by signing up with Constant Contact by texting LVAG at 22828.
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