Cameron Calloway
VIMMAG: Greetings Cameron, 2016 is looking to be your year, with your self-titled debut album releasing this summer. Can you give us a teaser of what to expect from your forthcoming debut?
CAMERON CALLOWAY: Yes! well, what to expect from my 1st album are songs that are truly me. Songs that are about love, love loss, self love, & essentially my take on the world we live in. I'm really looking forward to showing everyone these tunes so get ready! Haha
VIMMAG: You are a self-taught singer/songwriter and guitarist. I remember first seeing you perform at the Beat Coffeehouse, since then you have graced the stage with the likes of Allen Stone, grammy nominees The Internet, and Emily King. To this date, what has been your most memorable favorite performance?
CAMERON CALLOWAY: My most memorable performance? man, all of those ones were memorable ones for me because each one had its specialty about it ya know? again, I've only been performing since early 2014 so to be able to play on the same stage as the Internet, Emily King & Allen Stone within that time span has been such a blessing! Especially since I never thought in my wildest dreams that those situations would happen so soon
VIMMAG: Tell us about your latest song “Extraordinary.” How did it come about and what message did you want to bring across?
CAMERON CALLOWAY: Extraordinary was inspired by a few things. Over the last few years I've finally woken up to the fact that what we are exposed to really does affect the subconscious mind & ultimately how you feel about yourself. I can only fathom how it feels, as a young lady, growing up in this society where the media's message is buy this or buy that to be beautiful, get surgery to enhance your beauty , get bigger lips, etc I have 4 lovely little nieces and I don't want them growing up feeling like they're inadequate because of what society is pushing. I've even met older women who don't think too highly of themselves and that's bothersome, so I wrote a song about embracing what you have & knowing that you're completely perfect the way you are, you're extraordinary. There's a line that says "never let no one kill your pride, embrace who you are from your lips, hips, thighs & cup size" and I mean every word in that song & I hope it can really help change each individual's perspective on self love.
VIMMAG: You’ll be visiting Sacramento in April performing at the Dive Bar. What can people expect from your return visit to that city? Any new songs you plan on debuting?
CAMERON CALLOWAY: What people can expect from my return visit is getting a chance to be familiar with me again. Last time I was there I was with my good friend Rasar from The Lique. We have our side project as duo called CAMRA. My 1st time there we did a mix of original music from us individually & some collab but this time around it'll be music from just me & some favorite cover music so I'm looking forward to it.
VIMMAG: You along with your partner Sonia Seelinger started a songwriting group called “Songwriting with Neighbors.” How did it come about and what has been your experiences with the members?
CAMERON CALLOWAY: "Songwriting with Neighbors" haha 1st off it was actually inspired by Mr. Rogers who is a personal hero of mine. We wanted to get a group of people/musicians together who wanted to become better writers. We gave each other critiques and strategies that are helpful when writing music. It's been a wonderful experience of unity within this community. It's currently on hold because we're moving locations but we will keep everyone posted.
VIMMAG: You sang the National Anthem at the UNLV Women’s Basketball Game? That must have felt like a once in a lifetime experience or milestone. How was it to perform to such a wide audience and how was that experience to performing such a phenomenal song?
CAMERON CALLOWAY: Singing the National Anthem at the UNLV Women's Basketball game was a humbling experience. I love sports especially basketball, and I've always dreamed of singing the national anthem at sports events! I was nervous about forgetting the words but everything went well so I hope to be doing that more in the future!